Life Lessons Aren't Always What They Seem
A lovely little story about life lessons and how things aren’t always what they seem.

Creating a Meditation Practice
How do we stop our thoughts? Impossible! What is possible is creating a focus for your mind. Repeating a Sanskrit mantra, or a word like “Love” over and over can lead to that small gap where there ...

Three Healing Elixirs to Nurture Body and Soul in Winter
Winter is upon us. Here are three healing elixirs that will help calm a sore throat, balance your belly, and make you smile.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Practiced Yoga principles
Though Dr. Martin Luther King did not practice Asana Yoga, he truly held a Masters Degree in Yogic principles.

What does 2020 mean for YOU, Spiritually?
Spiritual Growth and Ascension are on the menu for 2020. Spiritual Ascension means reaching for the highest possible spiritual light of our inner beings. 2020 symbolizes great potential for peace a...

Dealing with Post Christmas Blues in a Yogic Way
Three things to get yourself out of your head and into the present moment when dealing with the Christmas let down.

“We’re God in Drag!” Farewell Ram Dass
Baba Ram Dass, beloved New Age Guru, walked himself home this past Monday at the wonderful age of 88. “Baba” was all about teaching mindfulness and grace. Here are 5 of his most famous quotes.

5 good reasons Its OK not to be OK There's nothing like being truthful to ourselves. Waking up each morning to reside in this body we live in, feeling absolutely blissful we are alive! But what ha...

We all have those days, just feeling a little low for no reason at all. If you can't seem to find your jollies....

DIY Body and Face Scrubs to Refresh Your Skin
Don’t waste money on face and body scrubs, make your own!

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone to Make Something Today
Our comfort zone is the unique state of being that provides security, familiarity and safety. Think of it like a bubble surrounding your psyche that includes all the things you have mastered, have ...

Are you Vata, Pitta, Kapha, or all three? Take this quiz to find your dosha and a more gain a more targeted approach to finding balance in your health!

The Difference Between Joy and Happiness
Joy and happiness are positive emotions that are part of the human experience. While both feel good they are different in origin and importance to emotional wellbeing.

Authentic self expression, means meeting ourselves where we are in every moment. Listening to our bodies when they say enough is enough; feeling grief or elation as they wash over us.

What your Blood Type Says About You
By learning how your blood type informs your physical, mental, and emotional states, you can make better lifestyle choices to achieve optimal health and well-being.

Hey Mom It’s Ok to Make Mistakes
Parenting is a mixed bag, but in its most basic state it is unconditional love, starting your day over as many times as necessary, saying “ I love you” no matter what.

How to Use Breath for Weight Loss
When you breathe as deeply as possible, especially while doing light to moderate exercise, you will access all four lobes of your lungs, which sends a signal to your brain that you are safe and tha...

Reflexologists hypothesis that these reflex points correspond to different body organs and systems, and that pressing them creates real benefits for the person's health.

5 Ways to Teach Your Kid Mindfulness
Part of this Buddha thing is bringing care and compassion to all you do!t's never too early to get your kids curious! That's what mindfulness is all about. Getting connected to the world around you...

Finding Solitude in Your Busy Schedule
Solitude unlike loneliness is a healthy and necessary to your well-being. Loneliness is when you feel separated from everybody. Solitude is when you are connected deeply to yourself. This connectiv...

You know what they say, "The early bird catches the worm!" Much like that, the early Buddha catches the healthy high vibrations.
