
Stop Sleeping In!

Stop Sleeping In! | Buddha Pants®

5 Reasons to Wake Up Before Sunrise

In case you didn't know, the benefits of rising before the sun go far beyond having more hours in the day. The truth is, waking up early has been a part of our human nature since the dawning of time. Before your handy dandy iPhone or android alarm, and prior to the ringing-off-the-bedside-table clock, the solar power of the sun woke us up before light even cracked the sky! Going with the rhythms of nature offers us some hearty goodness, here's a few of those blessings and more:

1. Before Sunrise is the BEST Time to Get Grounded

The ancient wisdom of Ayurveda (folk medicine of India), educates us on the energy that is present in those wee hours of the morning. About an hour and a half before sunrise, there is an initial shift in energy, it's subtle, but you can feel the spaciousness and quietude that resonates in the air. A half hour before sunrise a second wave of energy brings a heightened opportunity to manifest hope, inspiration, and peace. Try waking up and meditating a few minutes during these special hours, focus on positive outcomes to events in your life, do a slow yoga flow, and take long deep breaths.

2. More Alert and More Calm

Aside from the obvious fact that if you have more time to wake up, you will be more alert and mentally available to take on challenges, studies have proven it! Scientists at the University of Alberta recognized that folks who woke before the sun were able to function at a higher level by 9am then others who woke up just an hour before 9am. Makes total sense! Wake up earlier, take your sweet time getting ready, maybe even do that work out, enjoy a clear, confident, and stress-free mental and physical state. Do this and you'll feel like brick house no matter what you have to face!

3. Weight Loss

After you take care of regular hygiene, sip a little lemon ginger tea, and get moving! Take a walk or a quick jog outside through your neighborhood as the sun comes up, open a window and do 5-10 sun salutations, or a set of squats while you speak your intentions for the day out loud! Whatever your flavor, when you get your metabolism in gear at dawn, it STAYS in gear. This will help you burn more calories and feel more satisfied throughout your day, which might just make it easier to make the healthiest choices to keep you on track!

4. It's Socially and Emotionally Sustainable

I know, I know...You probably pride yourself on going against the grain, and that's definitely one thing I LOVE about you. But its not necessarily a part of what makes you, YOU! University of Toronto calls it "social jet lag." Even if you're waking up late, chances are you're still working in a world of early risers, from the farmer to the business executive. Waking up early is part of getting the job done with excitement and passion. So jump on the ambition train and ride it all the way to a good mood. You know that awesome feeling you get when you accomplish a task? When you wake up earlier, you get into your groove earlier, and you get DONE earlier. That simply means you get to enjoy more freedom in your day, and the confidence high of a job well done.

5. How You Live Can Inspire Others

I've noticed that when I make healthy changes in my life, it shows up in how I look, live, and interact with others. Often people mention a "glow" or an energy of positivity about me. Waking up early, eating healthy living foods, doing physical activities, getting quality consistent rest, and keeping good company are all ways to find balance and wellness in life. Can you think of a time when one of your positive life choices was noticed by a friend or acquaintance? Did they smile or quickly mention that was something they wanted in their lives too? We are all attracted to the beauty that resonates from health and happiness, and seeing it in others shows us that we can attain it too!

Let this be your call to action friend! Get out there, rise and shine like a morning bird call, and live the life you want to see in this world! Your body and mind will appreciate it, and all of us will too!

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