True Transformation Takes Time
Making progress toward your goals is an investment, it’s not typically something that happens overnight. True transformation takes time, trust, and patience.

Yoga + Mindfulness During the Workday
Taking a few minutes to shut your brain off and practice mindfulness in the middle of your workday has been proven to make you more productive.

Why Mindful Travel Changes Perspectives
Traveling in mindful ways provides us with one-of-a-kind experiences and perspective shifts that cannot be replicated in any other way.

Happiness Isn’t a Destination - It’s a Journey
Happiness is discovered and comes as a by-product through living a life that you love, rather than setting it as your main goal.

Get Specific and Achieve Your Goals
Getting really specific with your goals has a HUGE impact when you identify the thoughts, feelings, and beliefs associated with the outcome.

Life is a game of balancing, and finding your perfect balance is a key skill to have in order to achieve success and contentment. You have your own personal mix of what works best for you.

Say Yes to Yourself and Self-Care
Always say “yes” to yourself and prioritize filling up your own cup, even if that means saying no to what others want or expect from you. As difficult as it is, this self-care changes your entire l...

Take Time for Yourself and Boost Productivity
Taking time for yourself is proven to make you MORE productive, and you’ll actually end up accomplishing more in less time if you do this, rather than going through the rush of the day from a stanc...

Repeating an intention out loud, or in our minds, empowers the wish we’re trying to create. The act of repeating an affirmation rewires our brain to break patterns of negative thought, speech and a...

Love yourself first, no matter how it goes against everything you have been taught as a woman—a work in progress.

Even the most “woke” among us can use a confidence boost once in a while. The next time you need a little extra motivation, try these easy-to-incorporate tips and be on your way to feeling your bol...

Reasons to Keep Your Room Clean
Did you know that keeping your bedroom clean can actually help alleviate stress? Small habits, like a clean personal space, can add a sense of accomplishment and well-being to your day. A clean roo...

Because of the Age of Enlightenment we have a greater freedom of religious expression from persecution. Throughout history, tyrants and fascists have attempted to usurp these ideals. But it is Enli...

“It’s essential that we understand that taking care of the planet will be done as we take care of ourselves. You know that you can’t really make much of a difference in things until you change your...

Sleep - the best drug money can’t buy. Worry, stress, and uncertainty all contribute to bad sleep. And bad sleep leads to bad things.

Right about now, cabin fever is setting in. You’re ready to gnaw through drywall just to get out and have some fun, see your friends, have a life! Bored, you say? Then you must be boring. Becau...

Recycling can be tricky, but given the alternatives, well… there are none. With landfills filling up, waters fouled, and clean air disappearing, we simply must think to generations ahead and do eve...

Five Benefits of Epsom Salt Baths
There are many reasons to take Epsom Salt Baths, some anecdotal, some backed by scientific studies. Here are five common benefits people report from soaking in Epsom Salt waters.

Eight Rumi Quotes to Meditate On
The poetry of Rumi is timeless. He wrote in a form popular in Middle Eastern and Indian verse called ghazal. There is great beauty in his words and he remains a major influence in the work of count...

Wash Your Fruits and Veggies, Say No to Pesticides!
Certain fruits and vegetables may contain pesticides and bacteria that can make you ill if eaten. Yet, though this is a well known fact, still there are people that stubbornly refuse to wash their ...

The Magic of Using a Prayer Mala
Starting your meditation using your prayer mala to do a round of Japa, is an excellent way to focus the mind. You can speak your prayers aloud, whisper them quietly, or even recite them silently in...
