This Reading List Will Inspire Your Wanderlust
Summer is here! These books will feed your wanderlust cravings.

Not only are sugar scrubs a cinch to make, they’re also kid-safe, effective, and make great “just because” gifts! A good sugar scrub will exfoliate and moisturize, leaving you silky and aglow.

On Retreat with a Journey Junkie...
Wondering how to create union among 18 women who chose to practice yoga in the jungle, without ever meeting one another?

Setting the mood is an art, are our latest blog is here to help you cover all the bases!

5 Ways to Teach Your Kid Mindfulness
It's never too early to get your kids curious! That's what mindfulness is all about.

How to stretch your hamstrings
Must do this.

Craving a Buddha Blog? You’re in luck! Check out 5 great recommendations for healthy joint care!

How To Wake Up In The Morning and Feel Amazing
Wake up feeling a little rusty? Wishing and a'hoping for some solution? If you're ready and willing to take charge of your wellness, then these might just be the perfect steps for you. Time to get ...

5 essential oils you should have
No more chemicals

You are healthy, and love to work out & all your friends do yoga. How can you get Yogi ready?

5 Practices for Your Oral Health
When it comes to Oral health, it's not just about having pearly whites, kissable lips, and fresh breath.

Why to Visit White Sands National Monument
It was mid-May and I hit the road heading towards California with my two dogs from Miami, Florida.

Eco-Chic (and Charitable!) On The Beach
These beach essentials will have you looking good—while doing good—this summer.

Cloth or Disposable Diapers - Which To Choose?
When we hear the word “diaper” most of us think of the classic Pampers brand, or the commercial for Huggies where there is a cute baby crawling on perfectly polished wood floor.

5 Random Acts of Kindness You Can Do Today
Random Acts of Kindness make the world a little brighter. Here are 5 R.A.K you can do right now without breaking the bank!

How to Get Motivated for a Half Marathon
Yet here I am, more than 1000 miles of training, dozens blisters, more “legs up the wall” sessions than I can count, 2 half marathons later, and I am a self-proclaimed runner.

Looking to boost your health and brighten your days? Our freshest blog tells you about the 5 Best Healing Herbs. Check it out and get inspired to get your own stash growing!

Ready for your daily dose of knowledge?! Well here’s 5 days worth in one! Check out why you should look back on a few of our noteworthy blogs!

5 awesome things to do with your kid wearing Buddha Pants® !
Having kids is a total blessing, but that doesn't mean it's always easy! Check out our blog for some Awesome FREE Things To do w/ Your Kid(s) wearing Buddha Pants®, it just might give you that litt...

4 Tips for a Relaxing & Rejuvenating Camping Experience
There are few things more restorative than spending time in nature.

How to keep your zen at 39,000 feet up.
