BUDDHA ANNIVERSARY!! Can you believe it’s been a year!? Thank you...
BUDDHA ANNIVERSARY!! Can you believe it’s been a year!? Thank you everyone for all your love & support up until now! We look forward to many more pants and good times! -Rachel + Buddha Family...
Pink zags!!!! @wild_lotus_heart #pinkzags #buddhapants...
Pink zags!!!! @wild_lotus_heart #pinkzags #buddhapants #buddhahappyplace #buddha #buddhasquad @buddha_pants_squad
PINTEREST CONTEST! Yay!!!!! Pin and Win!...
PINTEREST CONTEST! Yay!!!!! Pin and Win! Pinterest.com/WearBuddhaPants RULES: 1. Check out our “Buddha Happy Place” board on Pinterest 2. Make a new board on Pinterest called “Buddha Happy Place...
WINNER! @omegankathleen We love your photo! Congratulations!...
WINNER! @omegankathleen We love your photo! Congratulations! #buddhahappyplace #buddhapants #harempants #harems #dancerpose #yoga #yogi #contest #contestwinner. Thanks everyone for participating!...
Six more hours to enter!!! CONTEST REMINDER WIN FREE PANTS!...
Six more hours to enter!!! CONTEST REMINDER WIN FREE PANTS! Take a photo at your favorite yoga studio. Tag them and tag @buddha_pants and #BuddhaHappyPlace Winner announced tonight at 6pm EST. No...
CONTEST REMINDER WIN FREE PANTS! Take a photo at your favorite...
CONTEST REMINDER WIN FREE PANTS! Take a photo at your favorite yoga studio or favorite place to practice. Tag the studio and @buddhapants Hashtag #BuddhaHappyPlace Winner announced June 30th 6pm ...
LAST CHANCE!! CONTEST REMINDER WIN FREE PANTS! Take a photo at your favorite yoga studio. Tag them and tag @buddhapants and #BuddhaHappyPlace Winner announced Tomorrow!! 6pm EST. No Buddha Pants ...
CONTEST REMINDER WIN FREE PANTS! Take a photo at your favorite...
CONTEST REMINDER WIN FREE PANTS! Take a photo at your favorite yoga studio. Tag them and tag @buddhapants and #BuddhaHappyPlace Winner announced June 30th 6pm EST. No Buddha Pants necessary! #go ...
It’s Tuesday! Keep your head up and your heart open!
It’s Tuesday! Keep your head up and your heart open! The amazing! @_dharmabum_ #buddhapants #buddhaambassador #waterfall #harempants #harems #buddhas #buddhahappyplace
CONTEST REMINDER FREE PANTS! Take a photo at your favorite yoga...
CONTEST REMINDER FREE PANTS! Take a photo at your favorite yoga studio. Tag them and tag @buddhapants and #BuddhaHappyPlace Winner announced June 30th 6pm EST. No Buddha Pants necessary! #go #win...
CONTEST FREE PANTS! Tag your favorite place to practice and tag...
CONTEST FREE PANTS! Tag your favorite place to practice and tag the studio + @buddha_pants and #buddhahappyplace - giving away a pair of pants! Winner announced June 30th at 6PM #go #contest #win...
CONTEST FREE PANTS! Take a photo at your favorite yoga studio....
CONTEST FREE PANTS! Take a photo at your favorite yoga studio. Tag them and tag #BuddhaHappyPlace Winner announced June 30th 6pm EST. No Buddha Pants necessary! #go #contest #free #yoga #yogastud...
CONTEST FREE PANTS! Take a photo at your favorite yoga studio....
CONTEST FREE PANTS! Take a photo at your favorite yoga studio. Tag them and tag #BuddhaHappyPlace Winner announced June 30th 6pm EST. No Buddha Pants necessary! Photo by @weareyoga #BYOB #Bikram ...
