Incredible Hostels Around The World
Why spend huge amounts of money on a hotel while abroad? These hostels are not only affordable, but beautiful! “For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The ...

This Reading List Will Inspire Your Wanderlust
Summer is here! These books will feed your wanderlust cravings.

On Retreat with a Journey Junkie...
Wondering how to create union among 18 women who chose to practice yoga in the jungle, without ever meeting one another?

Why to Visit White Sands National Monument
It was mid-May and I hit the road heading towards California with my two dogs from Miami, Florida.

4 Tips for a Relaxing & Rejuvenating Camping Experience
There are few things more restorative than spending time in nature.

What Traveling Solo Across the U.S. Taught Me About Anxiety
Anxiety is something you don’t have to live with. Here is how one woman battled her anxiety and won by challenging herself with a cross-country solo trip.

Vegan on the Road - How to Eat in Hotels
Vegan eating is a healthy option, but it’s not simple when you are traveling. Read these tips for how to stick to a vegan plan when staying in a hotel.

5 Amazing Dog-Friendly Travel Destinations
Summer is here and vacations are on the horizon! We have some incredible dog-friendly destinations!

5 Places to take your Buddha Prayer Flags
Yes! We made prayer flags and they all pack up into themselves.

No Baggage: Minimalist Packing For The Adventurous Spirit
Excess is a part of every-day life; today’s main stream media is constantly pushing us towards seasonal fashion trends, the newest health fads, or the most sleek and innovative gadgetry to help “si...

Must-Haves for Your Summer Music Festival Journey
As summer begins, so does festival season, here is a list of must-haves for your summer travels....

Day in the life of SupSammi in Boulder, CO.

The Mountains are Calling: My Top 5 Things to do in Buena Vista, CO
Ever been to the mountains? If not, we recommend it. Endless outdoor activities, friendly locals, and care free vibes make Buena Vista, CO the place to visit.

I quit my job and bought a van
Big changes invite new mantras.

Autumn, interchangeably known as fall in North America, marks the transition from summer to winter. The arrival of night becomes noticeably earlier, and the temperature cools considerably.

The Spirit of the Suwannee, simply put, but a perfect name for a place so mystical and divine in its natural essence. Located in Live Oak, Florida, wanderers travel near and far to make it down upo...
