
How to do Yoga with Your Mini

How to yoga with your mini? | Buddha Pants®

The yoga industry is booming! From social media to finding your posture in bikram class to local yoga events that serve mimosas post your sweat.

What really has gotten a lot of attention but not appreciated is the yoga photography these moms do with their minis. If you’ve ever tried it, you know exactly how challenging and FUN it is. 

We've picked 6 mommy and me's to give us their inside scoop on what it takes to make a good photo along with a tip cause let's face it. They really do make it look easy. 

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Sophie Jaffe, Kai (6yrs) and Leo (4 yrs)

Check out the boy harem pants featured.

Currently Residing:
Los Angeles, California

Favorite mommy and me yoga pose?
We love doing acro together. It's a great way to bond and connect to each other and feel out each other's energy.

IPhone mostly

Props used:
Occasionally tripods but usually a rock or shove it in my shoe ;)

Tip for yoga with your mini:
“Let go of anything you think it "should" be. Have fun. Laugh. Let your child lead.”

What do you love about practicing with your mini?
“Connecting with them, watching their energy shift from grumpy or moody to loving and open. I love learning and growing, our practice ever evolving together.”

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Josephine Jacob Kaniel (10yrs) and Gabriel (5yrs)

Currently Residing:
Vancouver, BC, Canada

Favorite mommy and me yoga pose?
The kids love tree pose, downward facing dog and crow pose. 

IPhone 6s

Props used:
If I use a self-timer, I usually just lean my phone against a yoga block or my shoe ;) It's time to invest in a tripod... 

Tip for yoga with your mini:
“Have fun! Go with the flow. 99.9% of the time the picture probably won't turn out like you envisioned it. Follow your kid’s cues and enjoy every moment.” 

What do you love about practicing with your mini?
“They make things unpredictable, keep me on my toes. We usually end up on the floor in fits of giggles. I love how they are open to try anything. My kids have no fear. Its such a great feeling to practice with them.”

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Gaby Lanz, Asher (6yrs) and Logan (2yrs)

Currently Residing:
Boca Raton, Florida

Favorite mommy and me yoga pose?
“Too many favorites to name just one! I love poses that allow us to connect; my boys need to hold my hand to stay upright when we engage in standing poses, and that feels so good.”

“Our videos are taken with an iPhone 6s, and our pictures are taken with a Fuji camera.”

Props used:
“We use a tripod and/or my husband! Does that count? He takes all of my photos!”

Tip for yoga with your mini:
“Learning how to find time to practice was almost harder than learning to handstand! I struggled with fitting it into my day, so I started keeping my mat out and unrolled...always. This was the game changer for me. I placed my mat in the living room, since it's where we spend most of our time together. Whenever my mat caught my eye, I made myself step on it and move. These little moments eventually turned into what is now my own home practice. The most amazing part was unplanned. The boys seemed to be drawn to what I was doing and began mimicking my movement and poses. My yoga spot is now the center of our home; instead of sitting on the couch, we're usually on the floor moving and grooving.” 

What do you love about practicing with your mini?
“Everything! Yoga is a family affair. I asked Asher, "What is your favorite part about practicing with me?" His answer, “Because it’s fun and I get to spend time with you!” And it’s so true. Our yoga time is filled with laughs, falls, dances, giggles, and silliness. Nothing is taken too seriously. We crawl around, fall down, get back up and move our bodies in crazy shapes while enjoying time together and staying connected. The boys love making appearances in my videos and photos. They have even started setting up the camera and filming their own! Such a cute thing to walk in on. As a mama, I love knowing that this practice is sneakily helping them learn and grow mentally and physically.”

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Amanda Jo Heller and Jude (4yrs)

Currently Residing:
Austin Texas

Favorite mommy and me yoga pose?
Camel with Jude on my heart 😊

iPhone and Nikond3200

Props used:
“I use a coffee cup (haha) or a tripod with my camera.”

Tip for yoga with your mini:
“Patience and no expectations. Kids and babies have their own ideas and opinions for what yoga is just as we do!”

What do you love about practicing with your mini?
“I love seeing him independently choose to do yoga. I've never forced it and it still doesn't happen that often but when it does, and he chooses to get on the Mat by his own choice- it lights my heart up. 

I love seeing him use his breath to release any tension when we have conflicts and I love watching him say "Take a deep breath, and try again.” 

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Karly Lou Philips Kyler (12yrs) Kaylee (9yrs) Koltyn (4yrs) Kashtyn (2yrs)

Currently Residing:
Watonga, OK

Favorite mommy and me yoga pose?
“Hand to Foot (H2F) for the little kids, Foot to Foot (F2F) for the bigger kids.”

“I use my camera (Nikon D40) if I have it on hand and the time to use and transfer, but I usually use my phone (Samsung Galaxy) for ease and convenience.”

Props used:
"Not usually.  My son or husband usually takes my yoga pictures."

Tip for yoga with your mini:
“Make sure to keep it fun!”

What do you love about practicing with your mini?
“I love every aspect of it, but my favorite is seeing their excitement when they accomplish something that they didn't think they would be able to do.”

 baggy harem pants

Nicole Wise Bree Wise (5yrs)

Currently Residing:
Kennewick WA

 Favorite mommy and me yoga pose?
“Dancers Pose”

“We use my iPhone.” 

Props used:

Tip for yoga with your mini:
“Make it fun! We add goddess dress up time to our asana work”

What do you love about practicing with your mini?
“We get to spend memorable one on one time together building trust and love.”

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